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PT Member, Terry Kay Rockefeller's Letter to Sec. Def Austin re: Pre-Trial Agreements

Elizabeth Miller

Lloyd J. Austin III

Secretary of Defense

1000 Defense Pentagon

Washington, DC 20301-1000

10 August 2024

Dear Mr. Austin,

On September 11, 2001, my younger sister and only sibling, Laura Rockefeller, died in

the North Tower of the WTC. Our father died in 2003, while the men who were later charged

with planning and supporting the 9/11 terrorist attacks were being tortured by agents of the

CIA in overseas “black sites.” Our mother died in 2013, a year after the current defendants in

the 9/11 pre-trial hearings at the Expeditionary Legal Complex on the Guantanamo Naval Base

were arraigned for the second time in a military commission.

More than 12 years after that arraignment, the prosecution in the case, the government

lawyers who were to deliver justice on behalf of families like mine, recognized with great

honesty and integrity that plea agreements (pre-trial agreements in the military system)

offered an end to the legal purgatory I and so many other 9/11 family members have been

living through.

The Convening Authority, Brigadier General Susan Escallier, your appointee, who is a lawyer

with extensive experience on behalf of military justice, agreed and approved those agreements.

She fully understood that it is unlikely that a military commission trial would ever end with

death penalty convictions that could withstand appeal, and the equally unthinkable likelihood

that no trial would ever take place.

In communication from the prosecution, 9/11 families were assured that the defendants’ pleas

would assure a guilty verdict that would never be appealed. Most importantly, the agreements

were no simple assertion of a willingness to profess guilt, rather they included individual

stipulations of fact that detailed each defendant’s actions. These stipulations were agreed to by

the prosecution, the defense, and the Convening Authority; this was an enormous

achievement. The facts in those stipulations are information that family members have never

been privy to but are eager finally to learn nearly 23 years after our family members were


At the same time, family members were told by the prosecution how we could submit

questions that the defendants would answer in open court. Many of us have already submitted

questions through the portal that the Department of Defense established.

Then you, Mr. Austin, chose to undo years of effort to craft these agreements and nullified the

best possible path to judicial finality and judicial certainty. You claim that you acted out of

concern for 9/11 family members, but, respectfully sir, you do not know who we are. 9/11

family members are not a monolithic community. While there is a vocal faction who do want

the death penalty. Many, like my parents, died without any resolution and cannot speak up.

Perhaps the largest number of 9/11 family members have grown totally disaffected with the

failure of the military commission system and simply no longer engage. What do you say to

those who now expect nothing from the legal system you oversee?

It is time that you confer with the government prosecutors in the 9/11 case and truly

understand exactly why, after more than 12 years of pre-trial hearings, they came to believe

that plea agreements were their best legal strategy. I urge you to reconsider your actions.

Retract your revocation of the defendants’ pleas and avoid lengthy litigation over your

misguided decision, litigation which will only prolong family members' suffering and frustration.

The very real alternative is to see the planners and supporters of the 9/11 attacks die legally

innocent, as the likelihood that they will be found guilty after a trial and appeals in Article III

courts is vanishingly small.

Most sincerely,

Terry Kay Rockefeller

Sister of Laura Rockefeller—North Tower WTC


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