Plea Agreements Provide An Opportunity To Pose Questions To The Accused

Around September 11, 2023, we've reached young audiences by speaking out on Teen Vogue and The News Movement while the voices of several Peaceful Tomorrows (PT) members were featured on traditional networks such as POLITICO - USA TODAY - NY1 - NEW YORK POST - ABC NEWS and THE KANSAS CITY STAR. Our member, Terry Kay Rockefeller, granted an insightful interview on the eve of September 11 on CNN, The Source with Kaitlan Collins. While at Guantánamo Bay Prison to witness the pretrials, Leila Murphy shared her views on the dysfunctional process with TheMessengerNews.
Report from Guantánamo:
After 18 months waiting for negotiations over “policy principles” concerning plea agreements that the Biden Administration rejected with no counter proposal, 9/11 pre-hearings resumed at Guantánamo. Rule of Law committee members Leila Murphy, Colleen Kelly and Terry Rockefeller attended in person. Even before litigation resumed, the judge – the fourth to preside since the case began in 2012 – announced he would retire in April. Then, in the most significant development yet in the case, defendant, Ramsi bin al-Shibh was declared incompetent as a result of PTSD and psychotic delusions resulting from his torture by the CIA and severed from the case. CLICK HERE to continue reading.
European Parliament Holds Event Calling For The Closure of Guantánamo:
PT member, Valerie Lucznikowska, spoke at a three day EU parliament event in Brussels. During the event named "Close Guantanamo!", she offered a family member's perspective on the pre-trials.

A photo taken at the end of the “Close Guantánamo!” event in the EU Parliament on September 28, 2023. In the front row, from L to R, Alka Pradhan, Fionnuala Ní Aoláin, Lakhdar Boumediene, Belgian former Guantánamo prisoner Moussa Zemmouri, Moazzam Begg, Andy Worthington, Mansoor Adayfi, Clare Daly, James Yee, Valerie Lucznikowska, Beth Jacob and Mick Wallace.
Thank you, Senator Feinstein. It is notable that the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence 'Torture Report' -- one of the Senator's extraordinary achievements -- was mentioned numerous times this week during the 9/11 military commission hearing at the Guantanamo Bay Naval Base. The pre-trial proceedings have progressed from a time when mere mention of the word 'torture' caused a court room blackout, in 2012, to dispensing with the euphemism 'enhanced interrogation techniques' (EITs) and calling them what they are ... torture.
The new website will be launched on October 13th. You can access it the same way as viewing the old.
Our hope is that you will find it more user friendly, less cluttered and easy to navigate. The Website Committee, with Elizabeth Miller as chief implementer, decided to keep the “old” one as an archive, a container of knowledge about all the work PT members have done since 2002 and attach it to the new website. Whenever you feel the need to dig deeper, you have the choice to consult the PT archive. - The Website Committee will continue to work and update the new website post-launch. Once the website goes live, feel free to provide us with your feedback on how we can keep improving it.
Everything we have accomplished, we have accomplished together. Our work has been successful in the past and will be successful in the future because of the partnership and support of individuals who volunteer their time and have made a financial commitment to Peaceful Tomorrows. Please consider a gift in your will, living trust, through your life insurance or retirement plan. All gifts will have one thing in common: Each one has a profound impact on the work we do. CLICK HERE to explore different ways of giving. Better yet, give today!