Working On Putting Guantanamo In The Past

PT member Colleen Kelly and her father Bill Kelly Sr., are featured in a new documentary currently streaming on Hulu. The film investigates the question:
Will the United States be able to confront one of its most profound moral debacles and put Guantánamo in the past?
Rule of Law Committee:
It has nearly been one year since an announcement was made that the attorneys in the 9/11 case at Guantánamo were looking into plea agreements. The Rule of Law committee continues to follow the progress of plea deals in the 9/11 case, as we believe they are the only path to judicial finality. On March 1st, Senator Durbin quoted our own Leila Murphy when he spoke on the Senate floor. "The military commissions have failed to provide justice for 9/11 families. Plea deals are a way out. The only thing standing in the way is political will; it's time for that to change." Durbin noted Leila is not alone in recognizing that guilty pleas are realistically the only hope for justice.
In recent news, Terry Rockefeller participated in Amnesty International's 2023 Annual General Meeting where she presented at a workshop on Guantánamo. Later this month, Leila Murphy will travel to UN Headquarters in Geneva to represent September Eleventh Families for Peaceful Tomorrows (PT) and speak about the injustice of the Guantánamo Bay Detention Center and the military commissions. In a recent interview on NPR, PT member Adele Welty helped clarify why 9/11 families are waiting for a legal settlement.
Please contact Rule of Law Committee Chair, Terry K. Rockefeller at with any further questions you might have.
Afghanistan Committee: For more than ten years PT partnered with young Afghan friends who are committed to peaceful nonviolent solutions to problems in their communities. Their activities have put them at risk and many have chosen to leave Afghanistan. The obstacles they face are enormous, especially for young women. Some have managed to find safe haven and a chance to begin new lives in new countries. Others are hopeful they also will be able to do so. The Afghanistan Committee is continuing to partner with an international team engaged it finding ways to support these courageous young people. We hope to bring you their stories in their own words over the next weeks as well as ways for PT to assist them. Please contact Afghanistan Committee Co-Chair, Andrea LeBlanc at for more information.