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July 2022 Newsletter


Updated: Mar 12, 2024

Afghan People Are Also Victims of 9/11


September Eleventh Families for Peaceful Tomorrows Support Plea Agreements to End the Guantánamo Military Commissions and Ultimately Close Guantánamo

The Rule of Law Committee continues to focus on seeing the 9/11 military commission at Guantánamo ended through plea agreements, which our members believe it the only way to achieve judicial finality and a measure of justice and accountability for the crimes of 9/11. Toward this end, on June 14, Peaceful Tomorrows submitted an amicus brief in support of Majid Khan, the first “high-value detainee” held at Guantánamo to settle a case in the military commissions through a plea agreement. Mr. Khan has served his sentence, but the government has yet to release him. As Peaceful Tomorrows’ brief states: “If the government’s obligations under the plea agreement are not enforced, any ongoing plea discussions involving the 9/11 Defendants are likely to fail.” We requested that the court support his timely release.

In The Media:

"I think the Biden administration should have moved months ago to make sure that the entire $7 billion in funds were made available for the Afghan central bank to deal with the crisis there. September 11 families know very well what it’s like to have your life rocked by atrocity. To think that these lawsuits are actively contributing to other people suffering through famine-like conditions is really hard to stomach.” Aidan Salamone, September Eleventh Families for Peaceful Tomorrows Member.

"If we care about Afghan people, including Afghan women, the United States must release Afghan central bank funds to get the economy on its feet and ensure that aid money is flowing to prevent immediate disaster and, ultimately, a failed state. After investing 20 years in a stable Afghanistan, cutting off funds while Afghans starve is cruel and shortsighted." Kelly Campbell, Afghanistan Committee Co-Chair.


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