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Compassionate Actions in a Polarized World Webinar

Elizabeth Miller

April 23rd, 2021

CLICK HERE to access the webinar and use the passcode: !rX#1JN4

2021 is an important year for reflecting back on our work and our partnerships. As we approach the 20th commemoration of the attacks of 9/11/’01 we take a look at our shared work and goals to create a more peaceful world. We were joined by Marilyn Turkovich, Director of the Global Team at the Charter for Compassion, who shared with us about her work with Compassionate Cities;  Cristina Gonzalez, Founder of Compassionate Nuevo Leon & Compassionate Moneterrey who recollected her experiences making Monterrey a compassionate city and Rev. Dianne Hudder, PT Steering Committee member and retired minister, who reflected on her work as a minister within the interfaith community.



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