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#20yearslater: The Outsider, Co-Directed by Steve Rosenbaum & Pamela Yoder

Elizabeth Miller

September 10th, 2021

Michael Shulan was a struggling novelist and co-owner of a storefront space in New York’s trendy Soho neighborhood. The attacks on the World Trade Center changed his life forever. He and three friends turned his Spring Street space into a now-famous crowdsourced photo exhibit called “Here Is New York.” For five years, he was known as the world’s leading expert on 9/11 photography. Then, the lifelong outsider was invited to be part of something big. Shulan was named the Creative Director of the National 9/11 Museum at Ground Zero. This is the story of his dream job and how it turned against him. His vision of an open, inclusive, participatory place for America to engage in the painful, personal story of 9/11 goes wrong. His role as creative leader turns into a daily battle to keep his vision alive.

The film’s website has additional information, including about how the film was made, those featured, photographs, and press.

OUR LIVE PANEL featured co-directors Pamela Yoder & Steve Rosenbaum as well as PT members, Valerie Lucznikowska and Emily Grandcolas. CLICK HERE to access the recorded discussion and by using passcode .0MgzrjW

See below for Study Guide & Movie trailer



The Outsider: Study Guide

The following are questions that can be used as discussion guidance or homework prompts

One of the questions asked in the film by the museum team is “How could they [the terrorists] have done this to us?” Is this the appropriate question for the museum to focus on?

How should the aftermath of 9/11 be preserved? What would you have done if you were there gathering materials for the museum? Designing the museum? Should the design of the museum change?

Can truth and historical accuracy exist without opinion? Include evidence from history or your life, and reference or quote the movie.

“If there was not a dialogue, then we would have failed in our job.” Do you agree with this statement? Why or why not?

Should the war on terror and the existence of Guantanamo be included in the museum? [Note: for more about Guantanamo, check out the film The Mauritanian and our panel with Mohamedou Salahi, who was falsely accused and sent to Guantanamo. Or check out the Prime Movie, The Report with Adam Driver about the falsifying of documents related to the CIA torture program].

Some of the people involved in the design of the 9/11 Museum wanted a “more narrow and subtle version of the story.” Why did they want this and is it appropriate for the Museum? Related quote: “It’s not about education. It’s about grievance.”

The museum curators tried to honor an event, teach an event, create a comprehensive reflection of our society, and create a tool to help us learn from our mistakes all at once. Is this possible. What should they have tried to do? Did they succeed and why? What are the problems with how the museum turned out?

Should there be a giftshop in the 9/11 Museum? Why or why not?

Homework assignment: Memorial or Museum? Why should it be one or the other? Include evidence from history or your life, and reference or quote from the movie.

Homework assignment: Bring in an artifact of a friend or relative that reminds them of their memory of 9/11. Interview the person and present it to the class to explain why it should or should not be in the museum. Please be respectful; remember that many people were personally affected by 9/11. If you cannot bring in an artifact, write about one that should have been included.

In-class writing assignment: Write about something that should be included in the museum and why you think it should be included.

Optional teacher guiding focus: encourage students to discuss how neutrality cannot exist in the telling of history. What is included, how it is written, where it is shown, and what is not included all are biases on their own. For instance, in The Outsider, two pieces of controversy were whether to even include the stories of people who the US bombed, and the history of Al Qaeda).

Optional teacher guiding focus: Talk to the class about the difference between history and historiography. How does that come into play with the making of the 9/11 Museum?

Companion movie: Watch Finding our Voices this September 11th or 12th, which interviews 9/11 Family Members, Iraq Protesters, and Soldiers regarding the war in Iraq. What would their reaction be to how the 9/11 Museum was built? Should more have been included about our reaction to 9/11 in the 9/11 Museum?



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