Bruce Wallace
Uncle of Mitch Wallace

Bruce Wallace is the founder of In March of 2004, with the help of a brave Iraqi high school teacher, he opened correspondence between American students and their Iraqi counterparts in an effort to give a face to those living in war. The mission of 121Contact is twofold: first, to educate American youth about the realities and consequences of choosing violence as a means to political ends, and second, to lend social and material support to those directly affected by political violence. CLICK HERE to view excerpts of student letters received.
On 9/11/2001 Bruce’s nephew, New York State Supreme Court Officer, Mitch Wallace was killed while bringing victims out from the basement of the South Tower of the World Trade Center in New York. After working in the recovery effort at ground zero Bruce began to dedicate more and more of his life to turning his grief and anger into works for peace.
Bruce was a member of the Steering Committee of September Eleventh Families for Peaceful Tomorrows. He resides in New York City and can be reached at

William H Warrick III MD
Uncle of Meta Warrick Fuller Waller
I was born on Christmas 1943 in Philadelphia, PA. My father was a General Practitioner like his father was and their medical practice began in the Germantown section in the northwest part of the city in 1891. My father came on in 1926. I come out of the “American Graffiti Generation” and that has been a major shaper of my life and thinking. I graduated in 1962 from Central HS (the Year of “American Graffiti”) and went to Coe College, a small Presbyterian Liberal Arts college in Cedar Rapids Iowa. Coe College had a new president that fall who came from Chestnut Hill, an area of Philadelphia to the North of Germantown. I had caddied at Philadelphia Cricket Club where many of his parishioners were members. I obtained a Bachelor’s Degree in Business Administration and in the Fall I went to work at Honeywell in Ft. Washington as a Cost Accountant. On November 22 of my Sophomore year at Coe College, President Kennedy was assassinated then two years three months later Malcom X was assassinated.
In January 1968 I moved on to a Public Accounting firm downtown. I had been avoiding the draft with medical appeals but four months later the last appeal was denied I received my final draft notice on April 9th, five days after Martin King was assassinated. I enlisted in the Army Security Agency and was inducted into the army on May 28th, the same day as “Shrub” Bush joined the Texas ANG. Eight days later when I was transferred to my basic training unit Robert Kennedy was assassinated. It shouldn’t be hard to understand how and why those political assassinations have made a major impression on my life because as you will see those political assassinations followed decades later by the death of my cousin Meta Warrick Fuller Waller in the Pentagon have shaped my life and thinking. I was exposed to the early work of Mark Lane and developed a belief of Oswald’s innocence back then and in the ‘90s I read several other books and a medical journal article comparing the autopsies of RFK and JFK and coming to know the chief autopsy technician of JFK’s autopsy who lived in Gainesville.
Because of all this when the crime of September 11, 2001 happened I was already primed with a healthy disbelief of “official stories”. Exactly one month before on Aug 11, 2001 I had asked one of my cousins if she knew Meta’s contact information but she didn’t know. I had met Meta only once when I was 11 or 12 years old and she was about 15 or 16. At the time she was dealing with the situation of being the only person of color in an all-white HS in Framingham, MA so we didn’t really connect well. I lost all chance of that one month later on Sept 11.
I finished my residency in Gainesville in June of 1981 and a year later I bought into a previously established medical practice in Gainesville and retired 33 years and a month later. I have been a member of Veterans For Peace since the first day of Gulf War I on 1/5/91. I have done three workshops at VFP conventions in 2012, 2014 and 2015 on the crime of September 11, 2001, public banking and Modern Money Theory, the political assassinations, public banking and a combined WS that put everything together in one neat package. They are online on Youtube/asavetmd.
I have a wonderful wife, Sally, a former journalist, teacher, feminist activist and a beautiful multi-talented daughter, a chef, photographer, amateur artist and all around wonderful person. Sally and I helped raise her two grandsons from her son’s first wife and we are currently raising his daughter who we adopted and soon is to be a Junior at Gainesville HS.