Mar 20, 2023
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For the most up to date news from the Afghanistan Committee, see the Recent Updates section.
In January 2002 four people who would soon become founding members of Peaceful Tomorrows traveled to Afghanistan to witness the consequences of U.S. military intervention and express concern about the devastation of civilian casualties. Since its founding, Peaceful Tomorrows has successfully advocated for an Afghan victims fund, produced several reports about the toll of the war on Afghan civilians, sent additional members on trips to Afghanistan, and connected with Afghan civil society organizations.
More recently, Peaceful Tomorrows co-founder, Kelly Campbell, was part of the first American Women’s Peace and Education delegation traveling to Kabul in March 2022 to advocate for all girls to go to school and for the Afghan Central Bank funds held by the US to be released for the benefit of the Afghan people. In April, 2022 Peaceful Tomorrows filed an amicus brief in support of all the Afghan central bank funds to be returned to the people of Afghanistan.
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